Episode 153

Episode 153

Episode 153

Reyanne Mustafa is co-founder of the company Soul Much, and is doing so much positive work. While working in the restaurant business, Reyanne started to witness first hand the large amounts of unused, nutrient dense grains, such as rice and quinoa, that were being thrown out at the end of each shift because of chefs over-preparing materials. She knew that the amount of food being wasted could be used in so many positive ways, and she became extremely passionate about finding a solution. Through this realization, and trial and error, Reyanne started the company Soul Much, which makes vegan, gluten-free cookies from recycled, unused food items, such as grains, fruit pulp, and more. Since December 2017, they have diverted over 5,000 lbs of unused food waste into cookies. Their work is making such a positive difference, and I know you will be hearing more from this amazing company in the future.

Excited to share our conversation!

Keep up with Reyanne on social media!




